Press Notes

 A strangely beautiful sound - the rapt audience literally exploded into applause after his performance.

Harmonica League News, GB


Roland van Straaten’s phenomenal performance might be one of the most important “landmarks” of the 10th Jak Jazz Festival. As soon as he started to play his compositions, hundreds of audiences flocked in as if they are attracted by a powerful unseen magnetic force that is filling the indoor stage. Playing beautiful Blues, Tango, and Arabian tunes, Straaten brings all the audience to a magnificent mysticism of unlimited beauty of music - flying far beyond the earth and traveling among the stars in space.

Rahmadian Noor, Jakarta


Viele, sehr viele, sind hingegangen und haben ihn sehen, hören und erleben wollen, haben geschaut, gelauscht und sich mit geschlossenen Augen von ihm entführen lassen in andere Welten, in sich hinein vielleicht oder weit weg, irgendwohin. Nebst der begnadeten Musikalität muss es eine stupende Spieltechnik sein...

SMI-Bulletin, CH


Vom Zauber eines kleinen Instruments: der Reiz ist unwiderstehlich.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, CH


Thanks to the atmosphere in the church, the specifically 'sacral' sound of the organ and the smoky voice of Roland van Straaten, his music has been raised up to anthemic gospel songs.

Rolf de Marchi, Basel 


Die Geheimnisse der Welt mit Musik entschlüsseln, ein schöner Vorgang der Einweihung, etwas Kultisches in diesen Klängen.

Badener Tagblatt, CH


Gifted with a phenomenal range of expression, harmonica virtuoso Roland van Straaten takes his audience from the passion of Blues and Tango to the sensuality of Oriental Song - a moving and mystical experience. The charismatic musician has performed his compositions in theatres, in churches and at gala events all over the world.

Astrid van der Haegen, Basel


There are never that many great Harmonica players around at one time. Toots Thielemans and Stevie Wonder are two; Roland van Straaten is up there with them. He pushes the instrument way beyond its normal lead role, coaxing out texture and ambience in a rare and fascinating way...

Music&Media, GB


Als Sensation kann die solistische Mitwirkung des Mundharmonika-Virtuosen Roland van Straaten bezeichnet werden: nach menschlichem Ermessen grenzt es an ein Wunder, dass der Künstler mit einem derart kleinen Instrument solch verschiedenartige Musik produzieren kann.

Anzeiger Thalwil, CH


Era come se all'esibizione si accompagnasse un effettivo rito, anzi che l'una e l'altro - pur sempre distinguendosi - si integrassero a vicenda e confluissero in un serrato "unicum". Ma tutto ciò, non tanto per un confondersi del concertista con lo strumento - quasi che quest'ultimo fosse fisicamente una sua parte -, quando piuttosto per quella sorta di sacralità che si indovinava nel maneggiarlo e nel portarlo in bocca.

La Sicilia, Italy


L’effetto è carico di emozionante sensualità, anche quando le note sembrano cercare piuttosto una dimensione spirituale...

Corriere del Ticino, CH